A combined show of works from Debbie Adamson and Craig McIntosh, culminating from 2 years spent living and working in rural Central Otago. South is a response to that environment, as well as a conversation with broader considerations about landscape and the traces and impact left on it.
Craigs work uses stone drawn from the lower South Island which is percussion worked or carved to create a series of embellished pieces that relate to architectural forms, objects left behind, and the definition of boundaries.
Debbie’s work uses industrial steel and fencing wire, forged and carved to create a series of needle pendants depicting various species of native broom. These are endemic leguminous plants, many of which are vulnerable, grow slowly and occupy fragile habitats.
Together Craig and Debbie also collaborate on a production series of pieces under the moniker A+M. For this show they have produced bangles and limited addition compass rings with stone largely sourced from Central Otago.
Please note there is no opening event for this exhibition.
Contact the gallery for an e-catalogue.