Hana Rakena
'Shells, stones and plants, and the effects of water, wind and natural forces on them inspire me. Also ancient pottery, Maori weaving and carving.'
I was surrounded by art and craft making as I grew up. After school and university I spent 6 months working with West Coast potter Chris Weaver, studied ceramics at Otago Polytech for a year and took part in clay workshops with inspirational New Zealand potters Rick Rudd, Robyn Stewart and Philip Luxton.
These pieces are coiled and pinched by hand over several days or weeks, then refined by scraping back with a metal scraper. The clays I use have grog (pre-fired and ground up clay) added, and this gives the texture I like. After bisque firing I cover each piece with a terrasigillata (fine clay slip) and gas fire them for 10 or 11 hours, leaving the final colour to the flame and atmospheric conditions of the kiln.
The perfection of a sea smoothed shell can never be recreated. Yet I aim for that purity of form, sensual feel and mysterious power in my ceramic pieces.'
- Hana Rakena
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