Mauminamina, 2024
Neke Moa
Kokopu pounamu, muka, kohatu, paewai, anga, screws, oil pencil, W100 x H640 x D120mm.
Ko Mauminamina tenei Atua
Ko Hinetitama tona Matuawhaea
Nō te Whare ō HineTitama ia
Ko tona mahi,
For parents of children who did not make it here.
Parents whose babies are miscarried or still born.
Parents of children aborted.
People who have attempted adding to their whanau through adoption, surrogacy, IVF, donors.
Mauminamina listens to all of your karakia, your pain, anger guilt, or fear.
Maiminamina knows that you will have sadness, acceptance, and sometimes loneliness.
Mauminamina wants these people to know that all of your thoughts and stories will be heard.
Mauminamina is the Atua for parents of children who did not make it here.
Here, Mauminamina is framed in māneene shells. A physical reminder that we are supported. The shells represents the greater whare she belongs to and creates a space for her to be the focal point, an individual part of a greater whole.
Please contact us if you are ordering from overseas.